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Math Storytellers

The story-based approach
is an engaging and joyful math learning methodology.

Children learn by taking part in the adventures

through connected and meaningful engagement.

They problem-solve, do hands-on activities, and

play math games-- all of which are extensions of the stories












Mathematical thinking is fueled by

the intersections of a child's background knowledge

and interactions with literary elements in the story.

These include

understanding the story context, empathy for the characters, 

and helping move the action forward.

In a multicultural environment, with children from different cultures,

math learning is intercultural









Embedded math ideas

guide conceptual math understanding and applications.

While reading the story, they figure out solutions

 and learn mathematical expressions. 

With math feeling more like interacting with an adventure story,

children learn by exploring multiple possibilities,

without fear of making mistakes.


The young learners make sense of situations and problems

likened to young mathematicians.

Children develop confidence in their mathematical abilities

and enjoy math learning.


We want children to have better math learning experiences

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Math test results reviewed by  U.S. and

international math assessment specialists 

reveal flaws in U.S. Math Education 


Citing assessment questions and answers analyzed by TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), experts explain, students that learn through memorizing, get low scores in international and national tests in math problems because they lack conceptual understanding of number, sets, operations, and solving for unknown values.


Learning through rote and memorization reduces true mathematical understanding. Worksheets waste students’ time with mechanical and repetitive equations without contexts and purpose. The NCTM (National Council of Teachers in Mathematics) explains how these types of math tasks diminish young learners opportunities to learn algebraic thinking and generalizing, and more importantly, reduces the joy of math learning.

Let's reinvent math learning
to free children's minds

so they can "think and enjoy math!"

What is a Math Storyteller?


People who who read, write, and/or perform stories are storytellers. If you are a parent and you have read to your child, you are a storyteller. If you are a teacher and you read stories in your classroom, you are a storyteller. If you teach an after school program and read stories to children, you are a storyteller. People who read and share stories with adults are also storytellers. WE are ALL storytellers. 


A Math Storyteller is like a any storyteller. The difference is in how one engages children in learning math through the story. We thought it would be easy to get parents and teachers to take interest in math stories. But this was not the case in the beginning.


When we mentioned "math" stories, with parents and teachers who were not confident in their math abilities, we were surprised on various occasions by our observations. For the most, the topic made them feel uncomfortable.  Parents and teachers did not explicitly state that they did not feel good about their abilities in math. However, when we asked them to read a few pages of the books, their eyes lit up, A few times parents said "The concept equal was never explained to us in class, we were just expected to know it was part of an equation." "I wish I had these books when I was in primary school. I would have understood math more."



















Some of the teachers we worked with as part of the field studies of the picture books were very surprised at how their students took to the math ideas and solved the problems without giving up. "I was so happily surprised at how the students learned the math concepts they struggled with for a whole semester, and all in one story." Another teacher noticed how her students were so engaged in reading the stories and doing the math activities without much prodding on her part. "It felt like a different class."


Most important have been the reactions of young learners. "It doesn't feel like math class!" "Please don't tell us you don't have anymore stories." "We love math!" "Can we bring the picture books home to share with our families?" This was a particularly interesting question when compared to children's resistance to completing  traditional math homework.


For us at MathXplorers, we define a Math Storyteller in the context of our goal to reinvent math learning and in consideration of the research on how children learn best. 


Become A MathXplorers Storyteller 


Read-aloud math stories.

When reading, connect the story to what matters to children.

The story is a teaching resource and methodology

that provides the combined

emotional, intellectual, and imaginative learning stimuli

that make math ideas come alive.















The scenarios, characters, and narratives simulate

everyday real-world life, school, and work.

Interlaced in the events and fueling challenges

are math ideas.

These are foundational elements,

generalizations, and crosscutting concepts

that children understand because they impact the story.
















Furthermore, by answering the prompts, helping the characters,

playing the math games, and working on design projects,

children find 

math learning fun and fulfilling

because the ideas connect to the stories.

By engaging, children get to express their ideas too.

Rooted in research, the story-based activities

make it possible for children to learn best

as they construct their math knowledge.















Most importantly, math learning is not in a vacuum.

It is situated in a community of multicultural hearts and minds.

Children whose families represent multiple  cultures

and are interacting in intercultural ways

with their peers and teachers.

They are practicing social civility, collaboration,

and enriching learning.

The characters in the story represent

hybrid races of the modern world.

MathXplorers Math Storytellers celebrate the wealth of diversity.















What do you need to know?


Learn as you read and work with children.

Observe and document their reactions.


What did you learn about the children?

Find ways to build on their strengths

and support their challenges.


Engage in mathematical thinking.

What does this mean?

The books have prompts

that guide sense making and reasoning.

Acknowledge the effort the child puts in the work.

Keep it fun.



How do you start?


Become a partner Math Storyteller!

Fill the form below to request for your free book/box.


























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International requests will have to pay international rates.

You will also get access to the downloadable 






The Math Storytellers' Community


      Our goals in creating the Math Storyteller's Community   are:


(1) Promote the use of storytelling in math learning.


(2) Deepen the community's collective understanding on how

      children learn math through stories. Learn from fellow storytellers

      and share your own observations as a Math Storyteller on how

      children respond to math story teaching and learning

      experiences. How is this way of learning evolving the way they

      perceive math learning, and math ideas and applications?


(3) Showcase different ways by which Math Storytellers are able to

      engage children in learning math concepts and processes     

      through math sense making and reasoning activities. 


(4) Provide members opportunities to develop math story products

       and services.


(5) For members to help members teach with Math Stories.


How can you join?


Support the goals of the Math Storytellers' Community

and agree to the community rules.


As a community member, you agree to:

maintain civility and camaraderie.


Share your experiences and reflections

about working with children

using MathXplorers Math Stories and activities.


The Community user interface will be available

both in Facebook and on this website soon.



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