Triangles and More Polygons for Ages 5-7 Years
Manuel’s Shape Studio is famous for tables made with different shapes.
One day, a family visits his studio to buy a dining table. The family wants a table with animals, but Manuel explains, "In my studio, you create the design for the table, then I build it."
Amyel is Manuel’s nephew. He shares with the family what he knows about different kinds of triangles and shows them how triangles can make other shapes.
Join Manuel, Amyel, and the family in this math adventure. Help the family design their dream table!
In this book, children discover geometry by exploring shapes and their attributes, analyzing their sides, making comparisons, and categorizing shapes in different ways.
The math activities take off from the Common Core Benchmarks for Grade 1.
The story weaves together the following MATH IDEAS:
There is real value here... more than just speed, number crunching,
and rote memorization... its applicable geometry.
–Lina, K-5 Specialist/Educator, Massachusetts


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